Pem’s first major writing venture was a joint authorship with Brian Mazlin in a book entitled Architecture by Team Devine Erby Mazlin The Multidisciplinary Architectural Practice 1975 -1995 Brian Mazlin and Pem Gerner.
The book records the work of the Sydney-based multi-disciplinary architectural practice of Devine Erby Mazlin (DEM) from the mid -1970s through to the mid 1990s. It was seen by many at that time to be at the height of its powers. It was a truly multi-disciplinary practice comprising skilled practitioners in architecture, landscape architecture, interior design, industrial design, planning and urban design, supported by model makers and photographers.
DEM also had offices in Brisbane, New Zealand and Malaysia and at its peak had a team of 240 personnel on board.
The output of design and built works during this period was simply extraordinary and whilst the book of 200 pages has many illustrations and photographs the projects recorded therein they are but a tip of the iceberg.
Selected extracts from this book can be found in the Architectural Urban Design section of this website.
Pem’s Other Books

100 Intersections is a selection of Pem’s work and his involvements, both in Australia and overseas, in the fields of Architecture, Urban Design, Planning, Teaching and Writing.
Much of the contents of 100 Intersections can be found throughout the Architecture and Education sections of this website.
Pem’s drawings are known and loved for their whimsy, gentle humour, touches of quirkiness, and the idea that as a species we are all prone to foibles and eccentricities. He is not the least bit taken with some contemporary cartoonist’s work with their exploitation of violence, since he believes it is much more demanding to follow the journey he has chosen of which 80 examples are to be found between the covers of this book.
Click here to see a selection from ’80 Drawings’:
- Vote Conservative
- Elephant in the room
- Frog
- The Shambles
The 90 drawings in Pem’s book are a retrospective over a 50 year period, commencing in the 1960s. It is a collection selected from many originals executed during those years, and gathered in seven broad divisions of: places, buildings, cartoons, creatures, portraits, politics and illustrations including those done for other authors.
Click here to see a selection from ’90 Drawings‘:
- Port Adelaide
- Martindale Hall
- Sugar Glider
- Sarah