Pem has taught architecture at six universities. His most recent teaching at the UNSW College of Fine Arts (since renamed UNSW Art and Design) was all online with advances in remote learning, and as Pem was to discover, the relationships he established with his students far from being impeded with the new technology facilitated meaningful dialog.
In September of 1998 Pem was appointed Adjunct Professor at the Centre For Developing Cities, a postgraduate initiative at the University of Canberra. The students were all mature age, and mostly from Indonesia. The objective of the program was to increase their understanding of city developments so that on returning they were better equipped to deal with the ever burgeoning development growth in their home countries. This initiative was backed by the Asia Development Bank.
A snapshot of my teaching career of 31 years from 1979 to 2010:
My part time lecturing responsibilities began in 1979 as an external lecturer at the Faculty of Architecture in the University of Adelaide. For the first five years I was responsible for teaching professional practice subjects including contracts and specifications. During this period I also provided hands-on advice as tutor to students in the design studios. Beyond these teaching responsibilities, and as a Member of the Faculty, I acted as panel member and examiner of the final year student theses.
University of South Australia 1979-1984

I was engaged as a lecturer in environmental studies at the former SAIT from 1979 to 1980 and then began lecturing in a Graduate Diploma program in Project Management. The building/development industry approved of this course because it was planned to become a Masters Degree in 1983. During 1984 I covered a variety of subjects including Architectural Practice and Building Construction subjects.
I enjoyed a couple of wildly disparate teaching gigs at The University of Sydney. The first was at the Sydney Conservatorium (The Con) which is part of USYD and here I lectured on: The Parallels In Architectural and Musical Composition.
The other occasion was in the Building Services Post Graduate Diploma/Masters Program in the Department of Architectural and Design Science on the subject of: Architectural Considerations in Building Services.
University of Canberra 1996-2000

I was a lecturer during the period from 1996 to 2000. During the first year I was responsible for a varied group of subjects including: design, urban design, construction management and environmental control subjects. I also covered the history of Australian design. The following year I was responsible for mainstream architectural and urban design programs plus practical matters including architectural technology, construction management and specification writing. I was also involved in Professional Practice theory and tutoring the subject of urban systems.
During the years from 1998 through to 2000 I worked in the highly respected Centre for Developing Cities as an Adjunct Professor.
In the years from 1994 to 1995 I lectured in Building Design to Building students, many of whom were working during the day on building sites. I also provided lectures to postgraduate students in estate management in a series of extended three day weekend courses several times a year.
In 1995 I provided relief teaching for a colleague on leave in a postgraduate program combining building science and environmental factors, environmental assessment and auditing.
Following my return to Sydney from Canberra I resumed my teaching role in the UTS providing a postgraduate planning program for a period of 6 years until 2009.
The University of New South Wales College of Fine Art COFA 2003-2010

During the years 2006 to 2010 I was involved in an online urban design program in Art and Design. It was a period in which I particularly enjoyed the personal engagement with various students via the evolving technology of the internet. In 2010 it was time to enjoy a sea-change and I moved from Sydney to the South Coast.
The College of Fine Arts (COFA) has recently had a name change to that of Art and Design.