Alf, the dog decorating the political poster pole is the faithful pet of Bert Bristle a trade union leader. Alf over the years has listened to the many rants of his master about: them toffy nosed bastards.
Alf is seen here merely carrying out his duty as an act of loyalty to his master.

“Looks like it could be a goitre; maybe it’s something sinister, but if it’s you doing your blokey bullfrog ‘come on’ you’re out of luck”
Another example, as if we really needed one, of the tensions between the sexes, whether of the order of Anura or Homo Sapiens.

“My parents would kill me if they knew we were still meeting”
The Shambles is an old street in York, England. The overhanging timber-framed buildings date back to the 14th Century. In 1872 some 25 butchers shops were located along the street, but now none remain. It is now a tourist delight.
So far so good, and that is the setting, since as the overhangs are so very considerable they have in this drawing been shown to greatly assist in love finding a way.
I hope I hear such remarks as “jolly good show” and other supportive endorsements.

“Damn it all Archibald! I simply cannot abide that silly phrase that there is an elephant in the room”

Colonel Archibald Symthe-Cunningham has retired from his long military service in India and returned home to his family estate in England.
He has brought home with him a baby elephant whom he saved when its mother had been shot by poachers. The baby elephant, named Babes, has the run of the extensive estate grounds and has now grown to full maturity. The admirable Colonel permits Babes the run of his home.
In the picture the Colonel and his life-long friend Major Buckingham MP are sharing a single malt whiskey, or two, on a chilly English evening. For some reason, the Major has never learnt of the story of Babes.
Hence, here we have a classic faux pas.