I have had extensive experience in planning both in Australia and overseas.
Overseas Experience
About 1992, when Australia was plunged into the economic gloom of a major recession, together with my wife Penny, we moved to Malaysia to establish an office presence there to see what work we might find.
Finding large architectural commissions was exceedingly difficult, but we were fortunate enough in securing two major city planning commissions, and because we had a planning and urban design division we were very well placed to handle them. Not many people get the opportunity to be involved in the planning of a new Malaysian city.
The first was Bandar Amanjaya, initially for a population of 250,000 but this increased to 500,000. The project has been built.
The second, Marina Tanjung Tokong was a proposed coastal development of interconnected islands for an anticipated population of 45,000. Unfortunately this project was never implemented.
Australian Experience